Flora spread
Just a point of interest rather than an entire blog post… Unless I can link in some tenuous back-story before I get to the main part. Or at least a pun… perhaps not. I fear I’ve spread myself too thinly on this story. (Groan…)
Anyway, the point is that Flora have decided to only use plant-based ingredients in all of their spreads. Great news for those who struggle to find a buttermilk-free spread that they like.
At first I was a bit confused because they still do a “dairy-free” option even though all of their other options no longer contain milk as a listed ingredient (including their buttery flora!). But on a bit of research I found that dairy-free is the only one that is guaranteed not to have milk where the others are ‘may contains’.
We bought the buttery one, mostly at the sheer surprise that ‘buttery Flora’ could be dairy free without contravening advertising laws. I haven’t got other ‘buttery’ spreads to compare to but I really like it and it has instantly overtaken all of the other ‘Pure’ or ‘Vitalite’ options that we’ve had in the past.
In particular, we used it when we went camping and drowned salmon, garlic, new potatoes and green beans in the stuff before roasting on a roaring open fire. The results were delicious…

I’ve gone back to even savouring fresh bread and butter in a way I haven’t done for years. I can’t really put my finger on what makes it nicer than what I had before, or buttery for that matter! But I’m sold.
Sweetcorn – is there anything Piglet loves more? Cooking on a grill on a roaring fire