Merry Christmas!
Ready to tuck into a month of daily chocolates, drinking Baileys Irish Cream by the fire, tucking into rich mince pies laced with unreasonable amounts of brandy butter and drizzling hoisin sauce all over duck pancakes on Christmas Eve (just our family? Ok then…)? Me too… Or at least, I’d like to.
Christmas can be a wonderful time for seasonal food and tasty treats. But it’s not without its healthy dose of trip hazards for people with allergies. I thought I’d pull a special section together with some useful advise, recipes and suggestions for surviving Christmas.

A few tips from your guide: dominant oversized reindeer
Here are a few links to new posts on the website…
- Managing Christmas Day
- Chocolate Ginger Bundt cake
- Surprisingly Suitable
- Gift ideas
- Stocking Fillers
- Chocolate Christmas Tree (new)
- NOMO Advent Calendar
I’ll add more content over the coming weeks. Right, time for a glass of sherry and a Gaviscon…